Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart

Cybersecurity Awareness

Is Your Network Up-To-Code?

Because it can only be as strong as its weakest link.

Our Secure-IT Cyber Smart Assessment is a self-assessment of your network! You can fill it out by yourself to understand if your company's network has any major issues, but we can help guide you through the assessment! We go over each section and focus in on those topics. Because all this tech stuff can be a bit confusing, we want to guide you through so that you can learn what everything is and truly understand the thing your company relies on every hour of every day. Again, your network is only as strong as its weakest link, and that weak point is almost never obvious.

Your Secure-IT Cyber Smart Assessment

(No forms, just click to download!)

Ready to upload it? Send it on over to us at!

Just a few easy steps to follow along with us this month:

  1. Download the Secure-IT Cyber Smart Assessment.
  2. Follow our socials so that we can help you fill the assessment out.
  3. Go through our resources (like our blog/podcast) to educate yourself further!
  4. Submit your completed assessment to receive our gift of FOUR FREE cybersecurity tools for your organization by sending it to!
  5. Let us go through your assessment and we'll get together to discuss what you are doing right, and what you need help with.

And because we care so much about your security, we may give your organization a FREE password manager license AND a Cybersecurity Essentials package with three more tools in it!

Webinar - Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart

With Special Guests from Brown & Brown Insurance and Defendify!
It is the annual National Cybersecurity Awareness Month special and we hosted a webinar to disscuss the cybersecurity climate!

This year, we will be performing a simulated 'hack' so that you can gain a better understanding of how they are executed, but we will also have guests speakers from Defendify and Brown & Brown Insurance!

Watch our NCSAM Webinar

Educate yourself on some of the topics we discuss during NCSAM!

Backups and Recovery
In this day and age, it is easier than ever to store a large amount of data. Computers provide a compact manageable way to keep all your photos, recipes, reports, and more. However, just as easily as you could misplace an important paper, computers are susceptible to data loss as well. From accidental deletion, malware, or hardware failure, there are numerous ways in which your data could be lost.

Physical Security
Physical Security is the act of securing the machines that keep businesses running. We like to make sure that there are several fail-safes in place to make sure nothing happens to the servers. Some steps we take are to make sure that the building itself is secure, that the servers are in a locked server-cabinet or in a locked closet, and plugging the servers into surge protectors and uninterruptible power supplies.

WPA2-Enterprise, Scheduled Wireless, and Isolated Guest
Wireless Security is the act of using encryption, scheduled times, isolated wireless, and VPNs to create an environment that is hard for attackers to intrude upon. If a hacker is able to guess a Wi-Fi password, they are able to get to everything. Using these methods makes it extremely hard for them to brute force their way into a network. We use a mixture of Datto and Meraki for wireless security. Each one being able to create secure networks and manage wireless permissions without breaking a sweat.

Advanced Endpoint, Edge Protection, Firewall and IDS
Advanced Endpoint protection is a proactive form of defense against Malware and other threats. Any device with endpoint protection is able to protect itself from anywhere and against threats that anti-virus may not detect. At Lighthouse IT we use Sophos Intercept X, built off military-grade software, infused with deep learning, and combined with other leading security solutions. We stand by the power that Intercept X offers.

Mobile Device Encryption
Mobile Device Encryption works by using a cipher to make data unreadable without proper authentication or a key. Sensitive data that's on an encrypted computer would be useless to anyone who may intercept the traffic coming from the computer or those who may come into possession of the computer. At Lighthouse we use Sophos SafeGuard, a program that encrypts data as soon as it's created.

Generated Passwords
Instead of trying to create a password that may not be all that great, generated passwords make passwords that are tough for humans and machines to crack. Instead of trying to create hundreds of passwords or falling into the pit of using the same password for everything, we wanted a program that made strong passwords for all our most sensitive accounts. Hudu answered our calls by providing not only a platform for generating the passwords, but also saving them documentation software with role-based permissions.

Role-Based Permissions
Being able to define what your users have access to is very powerful. With role-based permissions, members or staff (or other system users) are assigned particular roles and through those roles assignments, acquire the permissions needed to perform particular system functions. The permissions to perform certain operations are assigned to specific roles. If someone needs something, they should have that authority.

Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication or Two Step Authentication is a security measure where you must sign in using both your password and an external code method. Multi-factor acts as a double line of security, since if a password is compromised the code is still needed. It is a way of confirming a user's claimed identity in which access is only granted after presenting two or more pieces of evidence to an authentication mechanism: knowledge, possession, and inherence.